Source code for json_configparser.config_args

Implements the ConfigArgs class which is the main class for parsing options classes, validating arguments, and parsing
a JSON file.

import copy
import inspect
import json
from typing import List, Callable, Union, Dict, Any, Set

from . import bounds
from . import type_defaults
from . import validations

[docs]class ConfigArgs(object): """ Parses the Arguments NamedTuple class to extract information about argument names, types, and defaults. Also holds information about Bounds and extra validations. The parse_json method can be used to parse a JSON file and validate it against the known information. """ # TODO: Improve names
[docs] def __init__(self, options_class: type, bounds_lst: Union[List[bounds.Bounds], None] = None, extra_validations: Union[Callable, None] = None): """ :param options_class: The NamedTuple class which defines all arguments, types, and defaults. :param bounds_lst: A list of Bounds objects, which defines bounds for arguments. :param extra_validations: A function which contains extra validations. Should receive a dictionary mapping from argument name to value and should return a dictionary of the same type. """ self._validate_init_args(options_class, bounds_lst, extra_validations) self.options_class = options_class self.bounds_lst = bounds_lst self.extra_validations = extra_validations self.arg_names, self.type_default_bounds_dict = self._create_type_default_bounds_dict()
@staticmethod def _validate_init_args(options_class: type, bounds_lst: Union[List[bounds.Bounds], None] = None, extra_validations: Union[Callable, None] = None): # Cannot check if NamedTuple directly if not isinstance(options_class, type): raise TypeError("The options_class parameter should be the typing NamedTuple Class itself " "(options_class: {})".format(options_class)) if not hasattr(options_class, "__annotations__") or not hasattr(options_class, "_field_defaults") or \ len(options_class.__annotations__) == 0: raise TypeError("The options_class parameter should be a subclass of the typing NamedTuple Class itself " "(options_class: {})".format(options_class)) if bounds_lst is not None: if not isinstance(bounds_lst, list): raise TypeError("The bounds_lst parameter should be None or a list of Bounds objects " "(bounds_lst: {})".format(bounds_lst)) if len(bounds_lst) > 0 and not all(isinstance(el, bounds.Bounds) for el in bounds_lst): raise TypeError("The bounds_lst parameter should be None or a list of Bounds objects " "(bounds_lst: {})".format(bounds_lst)) if extra_validations is not None: if not isinstance(extra_validations, Callable): raise TypeError("The extra_validations parameters should be None or a function of a single parameter " "(extra_validations: {})".format(extra_validations)) sig = inspect.signature(extra_validations) if not len(sig.parameters) == 1: raise ValueError("The extra_validations parameters should be a function of a single parameter " "(extra_validations parameters: {})".format(sig.parameters)) def _create_type_default_bounds_dict(self) -> (Set[str], Dict[str, type_defaults.TypeDefaultBounds]): """ Parses the provided Arguments class and creates a set of argument names and a dictionary holding information about the type, default, and bounds of all arguments. :return: The set of all argument names and a dictionary mapping from argument name to TypeDefaultBounds instance. :raises ValueError: If a bound is specified for an unknown argument. Or if a default value is out of bounds. :raises TypeError: If a bound is specified for an invalid type. Or if an argument has an invalid type. Or if the default value is of the wrong type. """ arg_types_dict = self.options_class.__annotations__ arg_names = set(arg_types_dict.keys()) arg_bounds_dict = {} # Check if the Options have supported types self._check_supported_types(arg_types_dict) # Check bound names match with actual names in the class if self.bounds_lst is not None: for bound in self.bounds_lst: if bound.arg_name not in arg_names: raise ValueError("Bound specified for unknown argument {}".format(bound.arg_name)) elif not self._validate_can_have_bounds(arg_types_dict[bound.arg_name]): raise TypeError("Bounds can only be defined for ints, floats, or Lists/Dicts of ints or floats " "({}: {})".format(bound.arg_name, arg_types_dict[bound.arg_name])) else: arg_bounds_dict[bound.arg_name] = bound # Get the default values from the class and validate them arg_defaults_dict = self.options_class._field_defaults self._check_valid_default(arg_defaults_dict, arg_types_dict, arg_bounds_dict) arg_type_defaults_dict = {} for arg_name in arg_names: type_ = arg_types_dict[arg_name] if arg_name in arg_defaults_dict: default_value = arg_defaults_dict[arg_name] arg_type_defaults_dict[arg_name] = \ type_defaults.TypeDefaultBounds(arg_name, type_, has_default=True, default_value=default_value, bound_obj=arg_bounds_dict.get(arg_name, None)) else: arg_type_defaults_dict[arg_name] = \ type_defaults.TypeDefaultBounds(arg_name, type_, bound_obj=arg_bounds_dict.get(arg_name, None)) return arg_names, arg_type_defaults_dict @staticmethod def _check_supported_types(arg_types_dict: Dict[str, type]): """ Check if the provided argument type is valid. Valid types are ints, floats, strs, bools, and lists/dicts of those types. :param arg_types_dict: Dictionary mapping from argument name to type. :raises TypeError: If the provided argument type is not supported. """ for arg, type_ in arg_types_dict.items(): actual_inner_type = type_ while hasattr(actual_inner_type, "__origin__"): # Check list (v3.7) and typing.List (3.6) if actual_inner_type.__origin__ not in [list, dict, List, Dict]: raise TypeError("The type of the {name} argument is not supported " "({name}: {type_})".format(name=arg, type_=type_)) if actual_inner_type.__origin__ in [list, List]: actual_inner_type = actual_inner_type.__args__[0] else: # Check dictionary keys are strings if actual_inner_type.__args__[0] != str: raise TypeError("The type of the {name} argument is not supported " "({name}: {type_})".format(name=arg, type_=type_)) actual_inner_type = actual_inner_type.__args__[1] if actual_inner_type not in [bool, int, float, str]: raise TypeError("The type of the {name} argument is not supported " "({name}: {type_})".format(name=arg, type_=type_)) @staticmethod def _validate_can_have_bounds(type_: type) -> bool: """ Validate if a specific type can have bounds. Valid types are integers, floats, and lists/dicts of those types. :param type_: The type to validate. :return: Boolean value indicating if the type can have bounds. """ actual_inner_type = type_ while hasattr(actual_inner_type, "__origin__"): # Already checked that it is a list or dict i = 0 if actual_inner_type.__origin__ in [list, List] else 1 actual_inner_type = actual_inner_type.__args__[i] return actual_inner_type in [int, float] @staticmethod def _check_valid_default(arg_defaults_dict: Dict[str, Any], arg_types_dict: Dict[str, type], arg_bounds_dict: Dict[str, bounds.Bounds]): """ Checks if the provided default arguments are valid, considering the types and bounds. :param arg_defaults_dict: Dictionary mapping from argument name to default value. :param arg_types_dict: Dictionary mapping from argument name to type. :param arg_bounds_dict: Dictionary mapping from argument name to Bounds object. :raises ValueError: If the default value is out of bounds. :raises TypeError: If the default argument is of the wrong type (None is accepted for lists and dicts). """ for arg_name, default_value in arg_defaults_dict.items(): # Use the validations module to validate default has if it was the real value type_def = type_defaults.TypeDefaultBounds(arg_name, arg_types_dict[arg_name], bound_obj=arg_bounds_dict.get(arg_name, None)) try: validations.validate_argument(default_value, type_def) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid default value for {name} argument with bound {bound} " "(default: {value})".format(name=arg_name, bound=arg_bounds_dict[arg_name], value=default_value)) except TypeError: # allow none or empty for lists and dicts if hasattr(arg_types_dict[arg_name], "__origin__"): if default_value is None: continue elif arg_types_dict[arg_name].__origin__ in [list, List] and default_value == []: continue elif arg_types_dict[arg_name].__origin__ in [dict, Dict] and default_value == {}: continue raise TypeError("Invalid type for default of the {} argument " "(default value: {}, expected_type: {})".format(arg_name, default_value, arg_types_dict[arg_name]))
[docs] def parse_json(self, path_to_json: str, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Parses a JSON file, reads the arguments, validates them, and returns a dictionary with them. :param path_to_json: Path to JSON configuration file. :param encoding: The encoding to use when loading the JSON file. :return: A Dictionary mapping argument name to value. :raises ValueError: If an argument is an empty string, if an argument with no default is missing from the JSON, or if the JSON contains an unknown argument. :raises TypeError: If an argument is of the wrong type. """ with open(path_to_json, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: loaded_args = json.load(f) json_arg_names = set(loaded_args.keys()) for arg_name in self.arg_names: if arg_name not in json_arg_names and not self.type_default_bounds_dict[arg_name].has_default: raise ValueError("Argument {} was not provided in the JSON file and no default " "was given".format(arg_name)) elif arg_name in json_arg_names: json_arg_names.remove(arg_name) loaded_args[arg_name] = validations.validate_argument(loaded_args[arg_name], self.type_default_bounds_dict[arg_name]) if len(json_arg_names) > 0: raise ValueError("Unknown arguments provided in the JSON file: {}".format(json_arg_names)) # Check extra validations if self.extra_validations is not None: returned_args = self.extra_validations(copy.deepcopy(loaded_args)) if returned_args is not None and isinstance(returned_args, dict): loaded_args = returned_args return loaded_args